Faraway In Sahara (part II.)
Keď som stretla chlapíka menom Mido (mimochodom super človek a ešte aj pohľadný, ehm) a on medzi rečou vysvovil vetu: ,,Mám asi dvadsať koní."
Ja: :-O
On: ,,Chcela by si zažiť jazdenie v púšti?"
Ja: :-O
Pusa otvorená, tep ako po bežeckom maratóne.. už som na nič iné nemyslela.
Ešte trošku pozavádzať maminku s okolnosťami, aby sa nebála a hor sa za zážitkom do púšte.
Len ja, domorodý jazdec a dva strieborné araby vyznávajúce si cestou lásku.
Aj by som to tak celé opísala, len...
Ak jazdíte a budete mať niekedy tiež možnosť niečo takéto zažiť v arabskej krajine, nebuďte celkom tak bezhlaví ako ja. Nestrácajte v prvom rade rešpekt voči koňom, pretože nie je samozrejmé, že vás nesú na svojom chrbáte. Okrem toho púšť je veľmi zradná, terén doslova divoký.. kopcovitý, plný skál a kameňov. Už teraz viem, že nabudúce sa bez jazdeckých topánok a prilby nezaobídem.
A taktiež nestrácajte rešpekt pred arabskými mužmi. Naša kultúra je celkom odlišná a my pre nich až príliš exotické.. Nechoďte sami tak ako ja.
Iba v tom prípade, že narazíte na takého super chlapíka ako je Mido :-)
No bol to zážitok na celý život.
A samozrejme, že mi raz ani zďaleka nestačilo...
When I met a guy called Mido (by the way a great person and also handsome, ehm) and he just said:
“I have twenty horses”
I was like: gasp emoticon:-O
“I have twenty horses”
I was like: gasp emoticon:-O
He: “Would you like to ride in the desert?”
I was like: gasp emoticon:-O
Mouth wide open, heart beat like after a marathon.. I couldn’t think of anything else.
I didn’t say to my mother the whole truth, so she doesn’t worry too much and went straight for the desert adventure.
Just Me, native rider and two silver Arabic horses, which expressed their love to each other the whole way.
This would be the perfect word for it, but…
If you ride horses and you will have the opportunity to experience something similar in an Arabic country, don’t be so reckless like me. First of all don’t lose respect towards horses, because it’s not a sure thing that they carry you on their backs. Also the desert is very treacherous, the terrain is wild, full of hills, full of rocks and stones. Now I know that in future I will not go without riding boots and helmet.
And also don’t lose respect towards Arabic men. Our culture is very different and we are for them too “exotic”. Don’t go alone like me.
Only in the case of you meet such a great guy like Mido
It was a lifetime experience.
And of course once was far from enough…
I was like: gasp emoticon:-O
Mouth wide open, heart beat like after a marathon.. I couldn’t think of anything else.
I didn’t say to my mother the whole truth, so she doesn’t worry too much and went straight for the desert adventure.
Just Me, native rider and two silver Arabic horses, which expressed their love to each other the whole way.
This would be the perfect word for it, but…
If you ride horses and you will have the opportunity to experience something similar in an Arabic country, don’t be so reckless like me. First of all don’t lose respect towards horses, because it’s not a sure thing that they carry you on their backs. Also the desert is very treacherous, the terrain is wild, full of hills, full of rocks and stones. Now I know that in future I will not go without riding boots and helmet.
And also don’t lose respect towards Arabic men. Our culture is very different and we are for them too “exotic”. Don’t go alone like me.
Only in the case of you meet such a great guy like Mido
It was a lifetime experience.
And of course once was far from enough…
Cválať na koni v nekonečnej púšti...
To gallop on a horse in never-ending desert... Breathtaking.
I will not forget.
Tisíce kilometrov piesku a kameňov.
Mŕtva, no aj napriek tomu tak magická, že srdce celkom opantá.
Sahara. Thousands kilometers of sand and rocks. Dead, but so magical, it will completely bewitch your heart.
..jediný strom v púšti široko ďaleko.. smerovali k nemu všetky cesty.
..far and near the only tree.. All ways led to it.
Kone musia vydržať oveľa viac ako u nás...
Ďakujem Marabel.
Zajtra ti prinesiem ešte viac.
Horses have to handle here far more than in our country...
Thank you Marabel.
I will bring you more tomorrow.
More bolo kedysi i tam.. kde sa už dnes rozlieha iba púšť...
Fotené z konského chrbta. Obrovské mušle. Všade.
(30cm pravítko by asi bolo na zmeranie málo)
Sea used to be also there.. where now desert is... Pictures were taken from horse back. Huge sea shells. Everywhere. (30cm ruler would maybe be small to measure them)
..zážitkom nebolo len jazdenie v púšti ale i na pláži.
Stále cítim ako sa mi vietor hrá s vlasmi.. všetky tie vône!
..the adventure wasn’t only the ride in desert, but also the beach.
I still feel the wind playing with my hair.. All the scents!
..celú cestu svoje maminy nasledovali aj niekoľkotýždňové "habibi" (zlatíčka)..
..moms were followed the whole way by just few weeks old “habibi” (darlings)..
yalla yalla!
Ideme do vody maličké.
yalla yalla! Let’s go in the water little ones.
Pohľad na svet je najkrajší, keď prechádza medzi ušami koňa.
(Arabské príslovie)
The most beautiful view is, when it goes between ears of a horse. (Arabic saying) …